U.S. Election 2020 Results Final


That's the picture now in the electoral college in ،the United States of America.،

Biden leads Trump by 50 votes out of 270That's the picture now in the electoral college in the United States of America.

Biden leads Trump by 50 votes out of 270

Biden scored 264 votes out of 270, and Donald Trump 214 out of 270. 

 So the result is Biden winning the U.S. election،It's settled. because the swing states have sorted more than two-thirds of them and predicted that biden's victory In Nvidia state with 6 votes the rest of me 

he remaining yen is 270 for the final victory.

Note that the rest of the unresolved states point to The Progress of Donald Trump, which are the states of Florida, Georgia, andNorth Carolina, 20+15+15 votes   

If 50 votes were added to Trump, he would also have lost 214+ 50 votes, not to reach 270.



So  the Professional news portal announces Biden's ،victory, that's what we bet on from the beginning and we expected it to happen in advance. 

Biden is the winner, 

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يرجي عدم الإساءة الي اي شخص والتعليق باحترام من الجميع

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